I began with some hesitancy, as outlined in an earlier post, because my experience with blogging has not always been positive. Yet, I was still oddly intrigued by other bloggers and how much I seek out the voices. Thus began the adventure...
I have learned....
I am really not that interesting.
My ego gets really excited when I receive over 8 views in one day.
Thoughtful reflection about life events is really fun, and profoundly beautiful.
Somedays, I just make stuff up.
Linking other sites and Youtube videos is extremely easy, for example: How I survived this Project
Photos were not so easy...
...Ok, maybe easier than I thought.
Having a place to reflect on books has been awesome.
The book reviews were the most viewed posts.
Also, thinking publicly has presented many new ways to view the world.
And finally, I still don't think I am that interesting.
End Result: I'll probably keep the blog because I really enjoyed having an outlet to process different ideas. It will be even more exciting if/when people begin to comment on various posts. Maybe someday it will help me refine my blogging capacities. In the book Click 2 Save, which we had to read for class, it advocated for simply playing with the various social media platforms. The authors used very detailed approaches of how to dive in, and then they encouraged play. This may be how we release the fear and anxiety that comes with social media, by simply playing until we understand. It is also a beautiful model for ministry, when something is unfamiliar to immerse ourselves in something new, so that we may be transformed.
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